Smile a little then leave early

Let the news that day greet you like a smile
Not hit you with the weight of a freight train
Don’t curse the world because she was first to find a new
Wish her to feel for him, the way you felt for her
Tell her… but leave out the paralyzing part at the end

Survival mechanisms taking over shutting everything down
The solitude of muted sounds, blurry vision and panic
Holding your breath and closing your eyes for as long as you can

Be proud of the positive changes you caused in each other
Giving her the chances with him, she never had with you
Be thankful she opened your windows and gave you a pen to write
Respect her brave no-compromise-approach to life
Tell her… but leave out the part about her restlessness

How you are sorry you couldn’t take that away for her
Show her a peaceful world where ‘being content’ is an achievement
The clear water after you stop struggling with it for a while
Where her heart wouldn’t need all those adrenaline injections

Go to her birthday but keep the present proportional
Shake his hand and tell him she not only glitters but is pure gold
Tell her he’s nice even if he seems the better man
Tell them… but leave out the part about that night you heard the news

The part about when you couldn’t stop rocking
How you almost dialed her number
But visited their bedroom a thousand times instead
The anger with which you deleted her number from your phone
And the powerlessness for being such a sorry fool

Just tell her it shook you up a bit
Make sure you have no more than two drinks
Smile a little, then leave early

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